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Friday 3 May 2013

Setting Proxy WifiI In Sony Ericsson

If you get some a problem to connect in public wifi in the campus or university cause that use proxy setting in security.Lets Follow the steps for setting Friends Device or Phone.

symbian sony ericsson os

1.Klick The Connectivity or Internet in the setting menu from your Phone

2.Then Lets Klick Internet Options Buttons or Browser options or WiFI settings

3.Lets Klik The Options menu or left klick,then Klick the Network Destinations

4.Klick the Access Point To ADD new access point

5.Let's Tap on Internet
6.Then Tap on access point
7.Then your Access Point settings will be opened. There simply Tap on the Right Button
8.Then Tap on the Advanced Settings.

9.There, you can simply add Proxy Server address(we are using proxy2.poliupg.ac.id or as example)

10.Then add Proxy Port Number (we are using 6588 or 3128 as example)

11.Lets try browser from friends Device.

 The Steps can using for All symbian device Sony Ericsson Or Nokia symbian OS
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